Holding on to a file,i sat there with a bunch of other guys,probably of the same age as me.Some with looks of nervousness,others looked lost,and some just nonchalant."NEXT!",and the guy beside me grabbed his file and went to get his blood drawn.
There i was,sitting in line waiting for my turn and the whole process of the medical checkup was pretty much just waiting.The resounding "NEXT!" came,and i entered with my eyes fixed on the fella leaving the room,with his hands clenched around his arm.It was kinda scary seeing the huge tube that the doctor was about to stick in my arm,but any nervousness was dispelled when the doctor diverted my attention with his small talk.
"Wah,your arm smooth ah!And so muscular!You're girlfriend touch sure damn shiok!" he lamented as he tried to look for my vein.And just as i tried to figure out if smooth skin was actually a compliment for a guy,the huge injection like "thing" was poking into my vein and blood was just spurting out inside as it slowly filled to its brim."Ok done!Proceed to the next place.."
Went through a series of other tests,eye test,dental test,a chest X-ray and then got stripped down half naked with suction like things stuck on me.Yea,just like the ones you see in movies,but less cool looking.
"Alright,stand against the wall,and pull down your pants.Then i need you to cough",the guy decked in his army uniform behind the desk requested calmly.It was pretty embarrassing,i mean standing like naked in front of a guy,whose job was to check out your manhood isn't exactly mundane.
Everything ended off with an aptitude test which was a killer.In a bid for them to sieve out people who are plain stupid or dumb,Mindef puts everyone through a series of boring tests.Sitting in front of a long outdated computer,and doing almost repetitive questions for over an hour,is tantamount to sitting through two periods of econs lecture.Only worse,you can sleep in a lecture but you can't sleep during the test.
And right after the medical,you can't help but wonder what life is gonna be like a year from now.Bald,stinky,and coooped up with a bunch of guys.All freedom lost,and someone moron is constantly barking orders and breathing down your neck.It kinda scares me a little,a life devoid luxuries like sleeping in,and freedom of speech.Where you can just mutter your displeasure bout anything or anyone.And most importantly,life's gonna be hard,being bald...